When we speak of Chiropractic patients, we divide them into two categories. The first category that we mention is a group of patients who understand that Chiropractic can help facilitate health in an ailing body. These patients initially come into the office with some type of physical problem that has been affecting them for quite sometime. They know that the adjustment will remove any Vertebral Subluxation that may be causing impedance in the function of their bodies. These patients understand that we are not treating a specific symptom, but rather are affecting the overall expression of the nervous system. Often times, they come in to have their Vertebral Subluxations corrected and find that their body is healing and functioning at a higher level than when they initially came. Millions of people have become healthy through the drugless approach of Chiropractic. Unfortunately, there are a number of people who do not make the most of chiropractic care.
The other group understands that the same force that allowed the body to multiply and develop from a union of two cells did not leave the body to be defenseless against its environment. These patients do not seek chiropractic care as merely a means of recovering from a sickness or postural abnormalities, but more importantly as a health maintenance intervention. They understand that pain and symptoms are a process that develops over time and that regular adjustments regardless of how you physical feel is important. These patients pursue a higher level of fulfillment in health, because they understand that these regular adjustments can allow you to deal with stress better, have more energy, coordination, and flexibility. That raises the question, does all of this really happen from regular adjustments. Yes! Each thing mentioned above, every single part of our body (organ, tissue, and cell) is influenced and controlled by our nervous system. The biggest difference is that these patients understand the importance of chiropractic care while being healthy, as opposed to the former, waiting until an ailment has sat in.
As a health care facilitator, we would much rather see the second group of patients. Everyone needs chiropractic care and we clearly would not turn away someone with a medical need for the removal of a vertebral subluxation. My biggest desire is to see hundreds of individuals becoming actively involved in their own health and in addition encouraging family and friends to do the same.